5 Proven Strategies to Get Hunting Gear Cheaper on eBay
Everyone knows eBay is chock full of great deals waiting to be snatched up, but how can you make the most of it? Most people just place a bid when they see something they like, or just skip the hassle...

The Ultimate Elk Hunting Podcast Playlist
Twenty-two hours. That is how long it takes to get from Tennessee to Colorado. That is a lot of time to think about elk hunting, and a great time to hang out with some elk hunting veterans.
Journey From East To West: Introduction
In this series of posts I will relate my journey of transformation from a Eastern treestand dweller to a Western mountain climbing, elk chasing, backcountry nut...

The Hunters Time-Machine: Advice I Would Give Myself 20 Years Ago
Find a mentor... "I was fortunate to grow up in a family where almost every single male was experienced hunters. I am not just talking about guys that liked to go and hunt every once in awhile, I am talking...

Parting Thoughts and Reflection Of The 2016 Turkey Season
It was cold, wet, windy, pretty typical spring in Tennessee. One things for sure, turkeys are God's creation and they always seem to be unpredictable no matter how much you think you know and how long you have spent chasing...

The Best Turkey Hunting Boot
Hunting boots are like guns - you can never really have enough to cover all your needs.
A Journey From Vegetarian To Hunter
If you had asked me ten years ago whether I thought I’d be excitedly planning a hunt for elk or mule deer, the answer would’ve been a resounding “no,” probably with a flippant teenage “ugh, gross” thrown in. If you...

How To Kill More Turkeys: Two Tips That Will Make You Successful
If You Are Struggling To Kill Turkey's, The Fix Might Be Easier Than You Think. There are two reasons hunters fail to kill birds -

The Best Hunting Deodorant
Almost all big game animals have a sense of smell that far exceeds that of us humans, and it is something each of us must consider every time we walk into the woods. Most hunters prepare their stand locations based...

Gear Review: Stone Glacier Solo
Before heading out west, most seasoned veterans will tell you to spend your money on two quality pieces of gear - boots and a pack.