Tag: Turkey

Episode 047: Lake Pickle & Jordan Blissett of Primos Hunting at QDMA Deer Con18
Mike and Kyle caught up with Lake Pickle and Jordan Blissett at the QDMA Deer Convention. These guys are cameramen for Primos’ Truth About Hunting TV show and hosts of the Primos’ Speak the Language Podcast. In addition to hunting...

Episode 036- Deer and Turkey Hunting Straight Talk with Michael Lee of Backwoods Life
BackwoodsLife – 41018 00000118 00000118 00004CDC 00005351 0000144E 0000144E 00007E7B 00007D9C 00002ADB 0000110A This week Mike, Adam, and Kyle interview Michael Lee of Backwoods Life. This turned out to be a laid-back conversation with three hunters discussing topics ranging from bait...

Episode 035- Deep Thoughts on Deer & Turkey Hunting from Mike & Adam
Adam Crews listens to Mike Higman ramble about hunting for over an hour. OK, not really, but something like that. The truth is, we had some things fall through with some deer and turkey hunting experts and wanted to cover...

Episode 034- Turkey Hunting Strategies with Rick Taylor
There are turkey hunters and then there are turkey killers; Rick Taylor is the latter. Rick witnesses around 18 turkeys killed every year, and has tagged out all but once his entire career. You are going to enjoy this conversation as we...

The Ultimate Turkey Hunting Podcast Playlist
By Adam Crews Before the advent of the turkey hunting podcast — I remember the first time I discovered a radio show that was dedicated to hunting. It was 4:30 am, opening day of turkey season, and the host was...

Episode 033- Turkey Hunting Crash Course- Diaphragm Mouth Call Magic
Enjoy a free Turkey Calling 101 Instructional, by Shane Simpson of CallingAllTurkeys.com! This episode is a condensed version of Episode 032, where we interviewed Shane — But this version is all about the calls. Scroll down to find the calls we cover, and...

Episode 032- Turkey Calling 101 with Expert Caller Shane Simpson
Just in time for the opening of the 2018 turkey hunting season, Shane Simpson of CallingAllTurkeys.com, gives us a course in turkey calling 101. We cover the how, when, and why of using a diaphram mouth call as well as...

Turkey Hunting: Demons of the Deep South
By David Hawley Originally posted on Wild Turkey Report “I have never had turkeys tick me off like the turkeys in west Alabama did and continue to do,” fumed Larry Shockey, a champion caller and 36 year veteran of the spring...

Episode 031- Southern Turkey Hunting Heritage with David Hawley of Wild Turkey Report
Some people like to turkey hunt, and then there are turkey hunters. David Hawley, of Wild Turkey Report, joins Adam and special guest Host, Kyle Bennett, to discuss hunting turkeys below the Mason Dixon line. Click here to listen/subscribe on Apple Podcast (best for...

Episode 028- Getting Amped for Turkey Season and NWTF with Andy Gagliano
Are you ready for Turkey season? We are! On this week’s episode, we talk with Andy Gagliano of The Turkey Hunter Podcast. Andy has the unique experience of interviewing some of the best turkey hunters alive and has brought us excellent strategies...