Category: Blog

Post-Season Cyber Scouting: OnX Maps
Waypoint Hoarding When I first started hunting public land, I quickly became overwhelmed. I remember sitting down with a map and looking at 10,000 acres of land that I’ve never set foot on it before and it felt paralyzing. The...

3 Affordable Big Game Hunting Adventures
By John McAdams While there’s absolutely nothing wrong with hunting whitetail deer, feral hogs, and turkeys every year, many hunters from the south dream of a big game hunting adventure somewhere else in the world. Fortunately, there are some great...

Loose Lips and Deer Hunting
By Jason Wilkerson It’s that time of year again: the season of anticipation. After a long, hot summer, there’s something about knowing that bow season is only weeks away that brings about this excitement. It’s an itch not caused by...

Public Land Deer Hunting Tactics with John Eberhart
Are you new to deer hunting, or even new to hunting on public land? Maybe you are a struggling hunter and trying to figure out who you should actually read, watch and listen to in order to increase your odds...

An Open Letter to a New Hunter
New Deer Hunter, I know things might seem a little overwhelming right now because you are getting so many differing opinions on how to hunt. I see the posts on Facebook from Bobby and Jimmy. They are fighting about everything...

Regret: The Terrifying Reality
Enjoy it. Enjoy every single win. Every time you are defeated, learn how to deal with failure in a positive, life changing way. Bask in the now, and forget the regret.

The Ultimate Turkey Hunting Podcast Playlist
By Adam Crews Before the advent of the turkey hunting podcast — I remember the first time I discovered a radio show that was dedicated to hunting. It was 4:30 am, opening day of turkey season, and the host was...

Turkey Hunting: Demons of the Deep South
By David Hawley Originally posted on Wild Turkey Report “I have never had turkeys tick me off like the turkeys in west Alabama did and continue to do,” fumed Larry Shockey, a champion caller and 36 year veteran of the spring...

Song of the South
By Kyle Bennett Today is the first day of March. Across the South, a cool dawn gives way to a warm morning sun. The early spring woods reveal the slightest hint of green. Redbuds show off in full bloom. Most...

The Challenge of a DIY Whitetail Hunt: Planning
By Adam Crews Have you been dreaming about going on an out-of-state trip for whitetails, but worried you couldn’t afford it? Let’s be real, going on a quality hunt can cost a small fortune if you let it. But there...