Tag: elk hunting

7 Traits of a Good Hunting Partner
Use your hunting voice: Have you ever been to dinner with a friend that was so loud they were disturbing the entire restaurant? As annoying as that guy is, you are worse if you are loud in the woods.
How to Draw a Tag in Washington State
This is a guest post from John McAdams of TheBigGameHuntingBlog.com It’s not usually considered a premier western hunting destination, but Washington State does offer some pretty good hunting for certain species. Though Washington does have its fair share of problems and...

A Simple Strategy for Drawing Elk Tags
Do you have a goal to hunt elk? Are you overwhelmed by the complexity of building points and applying for hunts in western states? Me too. I get it, and I sympathize. That is why I’ve put it off for...
Journey From East to West: Part II
Elk and deer season has come and gone in Idaho. My first full season of hunting exclusively in the state taught some valuable lessons. One of the best parts of hunting the West is the landscape and seclusion, but with...

2016 Colorado Elk Hunt Debrief
As we sat down to relive that event together, I could see the look on Dillon's face. He finally caught what I had caught ten years before - elk fever!

The Ultimate Elk Hunting Podcast Playlist
Twenty-two hours. That is how long it takes to get from Tennessee to Colorado. That is a lot of time to think about elk hunting, and a great time to hang out with some elk hunting veterans.
Journey From East To West: Introduction
In this series of posts I will relate my journey of transformation from a Eastern treestand dweller to a Western mountain climbing, elk chasing, backcountry nut...

The Hunters Time-Machine: Advice I Would Give Myself 20 Years Ago
Find a mentor... "I was fortunate to grow up in a family where almost every single male was experienced hunters. I am not just talking about guys that liked to go and hunt every once in awhile, I am talking...
A Journey From Vegetarian To Hunter
If you had asked me ten years ago whether I thought I’d be excitedly planning a hunt for elk or mule deer, the answer would’ve been a resounding “no,” probably with a flippant teenage “ugh, gross” thrown in. If you...

Hunting 101: Getting Back to The Basics
New to hunting? Lacking confidence in your abilities in the field? Don’t worry this isn’t rocket science, but you will need to commit to learning and applying some basics. In this article you’ll find a foundation of where to begin...