Category: Resources

Top 10 Deer Hunting Podcasts for 2018: New and Old

2 Hunting Apps Every Hunter Should Have on Their Phone
If you want to get a job done right, you need the right tools. Carpenters don’t go to work without their hammers; fisherman don’t head out to the lake without their depth finders and hunters will have their weapon in...

The Top 6 Things You Should Carry Hunting In Case You Get Stuck In Nature
By Tom Sheppard Hunting season is definetly one of the most fun times of the year. Whether it’s stalking elk in the mountains, chasing turkey through the woods, or just heading to deer camp, there are just so many parts that...

Best Turkey Hunting Shows on the Web
There are hundreds of different internet turkey hunting shows that you can choose from online, and every once in awhile one of them will produce really great content—but few of them can do it consistently. Below you will find some...

The 10 Commandments of Treestand Safety
There is someone out there that is depending on you to make it home. While we cannot guarantee our safety, we can take all the necessary steps to be as safe as possible.

5 Proven Strategies to Get Hunting Gear Cheaper on eBay
Everyone knows eBay is chock full of great deals waiting to be snatched up, but how can you make the most of it? Most people just place a bid when they see something they like, or just skip the hassle...

The Ultimate Elk Hunting Podcast Playlist
Twenty-two hours. That is how long it takes to get from Tennessee to Colorado. That is a lot of time to think about elk hunting, and a great time to hang out with some elk hunting veterans.