Opening Day Success
Social media is a great thing, isn’t it? We get to share virtually any experience we want with our friends or followers. To me, there is some danger in that as in posting a picture of a turkey just to...

How Deer Hunting and Hunting Mature Bucks is Vastly Different
When I started deer hunting at the age of 15 the goal was simple, find deer and shoot deer. It didn’t matter whether it was a doe or a buck, a small buck, or a big buck. I just wanted...
How to Draw a Tag in Washington State
This is a guest post from John McAdams of TheBigGameHuntingBlog.com It’s not usually considered a premier western hunting destination, but Washington State does offer some pretty good hunting for certain species. Though Washington does have its fair share of problems and...

How to Plan and Hunt DIY Whitetails Out of State
Do you want to chase big mature bucks, but are limited where you live? Maybe you’re looking for a new adventure to embark on, or simply want the chance to harvest a buck, besides what you can shoot in your...

5 Proven Strategies to Get Hunting Gear Cheaper on eBay
Everyone knows eBay is chock full of great deals waiting to be snatched up, but how can you make the most of it? Most people just place a bid when they see something they like, or just skip the hassle...

Parting Thoughts and Reflection Of The 2016 Turkey Season
It was cold, wet, windy, pretty typical spring in Tennessee. One things for sure, turkeys are God's creation and they always seem to be unpredictable no matter how much you think you know and how long you have spent chasing...
A Journey From Vegetarian To Hunter
If you had asked me ten years ago whether I thought I’d be excitedly planning a hunt for elk or mule deer, the answer would’ve been a resounding “no,” probably with a flippant teenage “ugh, gross” thrown in. If you...