Tag: podcast

Episode 033- Turkey Hunting Crash Course- Diaphragm Mouth Call Magic
Enjoy a free Turkey Calling 101 Instructional, by Shane Simpson of CallingAllTurkeys.com! This episode is a condensed version of Episode 032, where we interviewed Shane — But this version is all about the calls. Scroll down to find the calls we cover, and...

Episode 032- Turkey Calling 101 with Expert Caller Shane Simpson
Just in time for the opening of the 2018 turkey hunting season, Shane Simpson of CallingAllTurkeys.com, gives us a course in turkey calling 101. We cover the how, when, and why of using a diaphram mouth call as well as...

Episode 027- Deer Hunting Heavily-Pressured Public Land in Florida with Mike Kuhn
This week we talk with Mike Kuhn about deer hunting heavily-pressured public land whitetails in Florida. Mike has been able to find success with multiple tactics and strategies through the years, some of which will surprise you. Click here to listen/subscribe...

Episode 026- Hunting Deer & Hog in the Bayou with Louisiana Bowhunter Justin Lanclos
Hunting Public and Private Land Across Louisiana and LouisianaBowhunter.com Mike interviews Justin Lanclos from LouisianaBowhunter.com. We talk about hunting tactics for public and private land across Louisiana, his out of state hunt to Kentucky, a serious treestand accident he suffered...

Episode 025- How Your Local QDMA Branch Can Make You a Better Hunter
In this episode, we talk with Kyle Bennett of Louisiana, to discuss deer hunting in Louisiana, Mississippi, habitat management and what it’s like working with a local QDMA branch. Click here to listen/subscribe on iTunes (best for iOS devices) Click...

Top 10 Deer Hunting Podcasts for 2018: New and Old

Down South Hunting Podcast: Episode 019- The Hunting Public: Aaron Warbritton & Zach Ferenbaugh on Whitetail Hunting Outside the Box
Mike and Adam grill Aaron Warbritton and Zach Ferenbaugh of The Hunting Public about their new venture and public land hunting tactics. This episode is heavy on tactics and strategy, covering deer bedding, aerial map scouting, wind bumping, scouting and...

Down South Hunting Podcast: Episode 015- Scent Control Strategy Comparison w/ Dan Infalt & John Eberhart- Part 3
Series Finale! We talk to Dan Infalt, the “Big Buck Serial Killer” from Wisconsin and a Michigan legend John Eberhart about their unique scent control tactics. We interviewed these guys separately and have combined the interviews into a 3-part series....

Down South Hunting Podcast: Episode 014- Scent Control Strategy Comparison w/ Dan Infalt & John Eberhart- Part 2
This project has been in the works for months! We talk to Dan Infalt, the “Big Buck Serial Killer” from Wisconsin and a Michigan legend John Eberhart about their unique scent control tactics. We interviewed these guys separately and have...

Down South Hunting Podcast: Episode 013- Scent Control Strategy Comparison w/ Dan Infalt & John Eberhart- Part 1
This project has been in the works for months! We talk to Dan Infalt, the “Big Buck Serial Killer” from Wisconsin and a Michigan legend John Eberhart about their unique scent control tactics. We interviewed these guys separately and have...