Tag: georgia

Ep 060: Late Season Southern Buck Hunting Tactics with Tim Knight
Merry Christmas! Mike interviews Tim Knight of Bi-Polar Broadheads and Georgia Outdoor News about late season buck hunting tactics. We also discuss how he was able to get it done again on a great central Georgia buck this season. Click...

Ep 058: Deer Hunting in Georgia vs Iowa with Jeff Lindsey from the Lindsey Way
Mike Higman and Kyle Bennett interview Jeff Lindsey of The Lindsey Way about what it’s like hunting in the South vs the Midwest. We also cover how The Lindsey Way came into being and we had some serious treestand snack...

Episode 030- Hunting Public Land in the Mountains of North Georgia with Hunter Galloway
Hunter Galloway of Lone Pursuits Outdoor Show may be young, but he has already has some tremendous success deer hunting the public land mountains of North Georgia. He shares some of his favorite scouting tactics and tried and true methods...

Down South Hunting Podcast: Ep 021- Hunting the Rut in the South w/Tim Knight
In this episode, Mike and Adam talk with Tim Knight of Georgia Outdoor News about deer hunting the rut in the South. Tim is an avid bowhunter, accomplished outdoor writer and has taken many P&Y bucks over the years. Click...

Down South Hunting Podcast: Ep 020- Glenn Garner- Managing Prime Southern Hunting Habitat and Killing Monster Mature Bucks
In this episode, Mike and Adam get a chance to talk with Glenn Garner about what it takes to kill big whitetails in Georgia. We actually recorded this episode before the season kicked off, and since that time Glenn has...