Tag: deer

Down South Hunting Podcast: Ep 021- Hunting the Rut in the South w/Tim Knight
In this episode, Mike and Adam talk with Tim Knight of Georgia Outdoor News about deer hunting the rut in the South. Tim is an avid bowhunter, accomplished outdoor writer and has taken many P&Y bucks over the years. Click...

Down South Hunting Podcast: Ep 020- Glenn Garner- Managing Prime Southern Hunting Habitat and Killing Monster Mature Bucks
In this episode, Mike and Adam get a chance to talk with Glenn Garner about what it takes to kill big whitetails in Georgia. We actually recorded this episode before the season kicked off, and since that time Glenn has...

Episode 017- Mike and Adam Discuss Big Bucks, Upcoming Hunts and More
This week Adam and Mike discuss whitetails, big bucks, football and more. Click here to listen/subscribe on iTunes (best for iOS devices) Click here to listen/subscribe on Google Play Music (best for Android devices) Click here to listen/subscribe on Stitcher (another...

Harness Fear and Ride it to Success
Instead of letting fear keep you from taking that first step, make fear keep you from stopping. Let the fear of failure drive you to success. Harness fear, and ride her to the victory line.