Tag: deer hunting

Post-Season Cyber Scouting: OnX Maps
Waypoint Hoarding When I first started hunting public land, I quickly became overwhelmed. I remember sitting down with a map and looking at 10,000 acres of land that I’ve never set foot on it before and it felt paralyzing. The...

An Open Letter to a New Hunter
New Deer Hunter, I know things might seem a little overwhelming right now because you are getting so many differing opinions on how to hunt. I see the posts on Facebook from Bobby and Jimmy. They are fighting about everything...

7 Traits of a Good Hunting Partner
Use your hunting voice: Have you ever been to dinner with a friend that was so loud they were disturbing the entire restaurant? As annoying as that guy is, you are worse if you are loud in the woods.

The Challenge of a DIY Whitetail Hunt: Planning
By Adam Crews Have you been dreaming about going on an out-of-state trip for whitetails, but worried you couldn’t afford it? Let’s be real, going on a quality hunt can cost a small fortune if you let it. But there...

Beating the Crowd on Public Land: Hunting From a Kayak
By Adam Crews November is an exciting time for deer hunters — The rut is beginning, cold fronts are pushing in, and our anticipation is high. These variables often cause the most significant influx of hunters to storm the woods,...

Middle-Tennessee Deer Hunting Success: Jason Meadows
Deer season is in full swing, and big bucks are starting to hit the ground! If you have a story of a hunt you’d like to share, email us @ downsouthhunt@gmail.com — Make sure to include your name, location and...

Why and How to Get the Next Generation Hunting
Guest Post by Jon Sutton of OutdoorEmpire.com Why we should introduce kids to hunting Today’s youth are in desperate need of the outdoors. Kids today seem to be right on the edge of an unhealthy dosage of technology instead of...

Episode 017- Mike and Adam Discuss Big Bucks, Upcoming Hunts and More
This week Adam and Mike discuss whitetails, big bucks, football and more. Click here to listen/subscribe on iTunes (best for iOS devices) Click here to listen/subscribe on Google Play Music (best for Android devices) Click here to listen/subscribe on Stitcher (another...

Down South Hunting Podcast: Episode 016- Travelin Hunter Tony Smotherman- Deer Hunting, Out of State Strategies and Tactics
Subscribe with iTunes This week we talk with Tony Smotherman about hunting out-of-state whitetails, public land hunts, strategies, tactics and more. Click here to listen/subscribe on iTunes (best for iOS devices) Click here to listen/subscribe on Google Play Music (best for...

How Deer Hunting and Hunting Mature Bucks is Vastly Different
When I started deer hunting at the age of 15 the goal was simple, find deer and shoot deer. It didn’t matter whether it was a doe or a buck, a small buck, or a big buck. I just wanted...