Tag: attitude

Regret: The Terrifying Reality
Enjoy it. Enjoy every single win. Every time you are defeated, learn how to deal with failure in a positive, life changing way. Bask in the now, and forget the regret.

7 Traits of a Good Hunting Partner
Use your hunting voice: Have you ever been to dinner with a friend that was so loud they were disturbing the entire restaurant? As annoying as that guy is, you are worse if you are loud in the woods.

Harness Fear and Ride it to Success
Instead of letting fear keep you from taking that first step, make fear keep you from stopping. Let the fear of failure drive you to success. Harness fear, and ride her to the victory line.

How to Become a Satisfied Hunter
If you have the chance to work a hung-up gobbler this weekend — consider yourself fortunate, and just enjoy that moment. Hunting season is here for a short period of time, and it’s gone too fast. Enjoy the moment that...

Hunters: Show Grace to Thy Neighbor
Generally speaking, we Americans are competitive, and territorial. We don't just like to win, we crave it. It's part of who we are, and it's one of the reasons we have thrived as a culture. It's no different in our...

The Hunters Time-Machine: Advice I Would Give Myself 20 Years Ago
Find a mentor... "I was fortunate to grow up in a family where almost every single male was experienced hunters. I am not just talking about guys that liked to go and hunt every once in awhile, I am talking...
A Journey From Vegetarian To Hunter
If you had asked me ten years ago whether I thought I’d be excitedly planning a hunt for elk or mule deer, the answer would’ve been a resounding “no,” probably with a flippant teenage “ugh, gross” thrown in. If you...

Are You Getting Burned Out On Hunting?
Chasing your Mountain is a process. It’s work. You have to develop plans, make goals, do research and make investments. This is what I’ve been doing all this year. From finding a workout partner, applying for a tag out West...