Deer season is in full swing, and big bucks are starting to hit the ground! If you have a story of a hunt you’d like to share, email us @ — Make sure to include your name, location and a picture of your deer to be featured on the site.

By Jason Meadows:I went to my farm outside Lebanon, TN and made a few mock scrapes on a ridge of white oaks at the edge of a grown-up CRP field. I put out some JSScents I received from my buddy @sweetnovember772 and made my scrapes with intruder buck, placed my camera on a trail-fence crossing, and eased on out.

I went back the following Saturday morning, set up in a white oak off the main trail within 80 yards of the field. It wasn’t 30 minutes and I had a nice eight-point buck at 20 yards and another four-point from the same direction — both eating acorns that were dropping like rain around me.

Then out of nowhere, a big body deer came moving in the field heading right at me. He lifted his head up and all I saw was antler!

He began walking down the treeline at fifty yards, I grabbed my binoculars to take a better look and knew he was a shooter! I grabbed my bow slowly, and my heart started racing as he closed the distance to thirty-five yards.

I closed my eyes, said my prayers, gathered my composure — opened my eyes and there he was. He was standing broadside at twenty-one yards. I let the arrow go, and mad a perfect shot — he only went 40 yards before going down.  As I climbed down to see that beautiful buck, I couldn’t help but think how blessed I was.

Posted by Mike Higman