The Best New Deer Hunting Podcasts

  1. Down South Hunting Podcast with Adam Crews (me) & Mike Higman, is a podcast that focuses on southern hunting and hunters. There are multitudes of great midwestern deer hunting podcasts on the market, but none that cater to the southern crowd. Our podcasts are geared towards interviewing hunters and biologist with a sprinkle of our own adventures added in.
  2. Land & Legacy podcast is hosted by Adam Keith & Matt Dye. This podcast is based on what they have coined, “Habitat Architecture.” If you are looking to improve your hunting land and habitat, you’ll want to give this one a listen.
  3. Deer Hunter This podcast is hosted by Kevin Vistiven, who lives in Detroit, Michigan and hunts heavily pressured Michigan public land. Kevin has a unique style of interviews, as most of his are done face to face, and has interviewed some of the best DIY hunters out there.
  4. The Hunting Public Aaron Warbritton, Greg Clements, and Zach Ferenbaugh host a new podcast and YouTube show called, “The Hunting Public.” Their team hunts primarily on public-land, using hang and hunt tactics while encountering mature bucks throughout the hunting season. Their podcast style is also different because they interact with their audience via Facebook and Instagram Live features, making this a question and answer format.
  5. The Hunting Beast Dan Infalt might be the most influential public-land deer hunter of our time. His tactics have started a cult-like movement that he calls, Beast Style Hunting, where he identifies multiple buck bedding areas and then moves in close to hang a stand where most wouldn’t dare go. If you want to try a new hunting style—give this podcast a listen and follow him on the
  6. Chasing Tales Outdoors with Walter Lee and Layton HarveyDo you like to hear hunting stories from successful hunters? Walt and Layton bring on all different types of hunters to share their success in the field. This is a great way to pick up sound advice from others that are getting it done year in and out.

Established Deer Hunting Podcasts

  1. Wired to Hunt podcast is hosted by Mark Kenyon from Wired to Hunt, and Dan Johnson from Nine Finger Chronicles (Who also has one of the top deer hunting podcasts and the founder of the Sportsman’s Nation). Both of these guys live in the Midwest, have a heavy emphasis on Whitetail centered shows, and are true whitetail fanatics. What really makes this show unique is the quality of guests they bring on weekly. You will hear from hunting experts like Mark and Terry Drury, Dan Infalt, Jeff Lindsey, and other legendary whitetail hunters. You should have a pen and paper ready when you play their shows because you will get plenty of Intel!
  2. Meateater podcast is hosted by Steven Rinella and co-hosted by Janis Putelis. If you’re not familiar with Steven he is an accomplished author, an outdoor host for his TV show Meateater, and he is a voice for all hunters in regards to conservation. In this podcast you will get information on all things hunting; from cranes, deer, elk, and anything in between. This is a podcast I do not like to miss!
  3. Hunt Talk Radio  – Randy Newberg, like Steven Rinella, is an author, a TV show host, and has a web forum called Hunt Talk. Randy is a strong voice for hunters in the conservation world and delivers great guests that concentrate on both western hunting and conservation efforts. You owe it yourself to listen to this podcast and become a better-equipped conservationist.
  4. Rich Outdoors This show is hosted by Cody Rich who is a western hunter. Cody has a reputation for interviewing high-profile guests like Dwight Schuch, Remi Warren, Larry Jones, and Fred Eichler. If you are interested in hunting for western game, go subscribe and be entertained.

Posted by Adam Crews